Andarine, also known as S-4 is a Sarm designed to help build mass, increase strength and to shred. For even more powerful results, combine with LGD-4033.
S-4 started out as a new development for male contraceptives and showed promising results like decreases in spermatogenesis and huge boosts in male libido.
When researchers began experimenting on mice with S4, they discovered interesting findings about how this first generation SARM affected castrated lab mice.
Not only did S4 increase the production of muscle mass and calcium for bone density, but was COMPLETELY SELECTIVE in its tissue growth!
As studies continued, many of these research trials resulted in astonishing outcomes creating a benchmark for even more research.
Today, we’ll take a closer look on everything we currently know in 2018 about Andarine in this writeup…
How S4 Works
S4 can trigger muscle development in the same way as steroids, but minus the same unwanted side effects.
S4 is a SARM with utmost androgenic effects and is 33% of the strength of testosterone when attaching to AR.
S-4 also increases the amount of muscle mass produced by desensitizing the AR to the individual’s natural testosterone to influence a stronger effect.
The Key Benefits of S4 (Andarine)
S-4 is by far the most versatile SARM ever created. Not only is it the first SARM approved for a stage 2 research study, it has become the most analyzed and investigated SARM so far. After the discovery of its anabolic potential, the primary purpose of S-4 aimed to develop an alternative treatment to age-related muscle wasting, osteoporosis, and similar symptoms of hypogonadism, or end-stage renal disease.
Aside from preserving lean body mass, S4 can also help improve it.
Decreases in body fat are dependent on the person’s genetics, but it will definitely have strong effects on the body’s ability to oxidize fatty tissue. S-4 was found to not only have a great affinity (potency in binding to androgen receptors), while also presenting greater anabolic effects than some traditional steroids [Kearbey et al., 2007].
Aside from its muscle building advantages, S4 won’t cause liver damage, can prevent gynecomastia (enlarged breasts in men) and can help boost your overall health.
Here are some of the other benefits of S-4 that are worth noting:
1. Very minimal growth on secondary sexual organs such as the prostate.
2. The LDL/ HDL ratio is not affected which makes it a low cardiovascular risk.
3. 0% chance of aromatization, male breast lactation, or rise in any other female characteristic during the post cycle recovery. [Kearbey et al., 2007]
4. Testosterone is not diminished in any capacity during the post cycle recovery.
5. Very exclusive in tissue selection and growth which means it will not cause heart enlargement or damage to neighboring organs.
6. SARMs do NOT require the utilization or devouring of liver enzymes to activate their anabolic effects. This eliminates any risk of hepatotoxicity or hepatitis.
7. Although SARMs such as S-4 are not as powerful as comparable steroids such as Winstrol, they do not require the extensive post cycle therapy and can be cycled back to back throughout the year. Over the course of a year, obtaining the same results is very possible.
8. SARMs is very female friendly and does not cause excessive masculine features such enlarged sexual characteristics.
9. S-4 has overall presented larger increases in muscle mass than DHT.